Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Facebook Vs Myspace Vs Twitter And Other Such Shit

Social networking has become an important fixture in life today. It seems you're not quite human until you're connected to your friends nonsense via the web. So, what sit do you pick? Most likely today, you pick Facebook, but no more than four years ago, you'd be crazy if you picked anything but Myspace. Why?

I've always found it to be where the whole web was going, not just social networking. When Myspace came around, it embodied everything good about the internet. Music, videos, color, excitement! But recently the "Web 2.0" movement has toned down the internet to sleek white and boring drab fonts. Facebook embodies that. Business, no color, no music, no fun. The "Great Migration" from Myspace to Facebook (taking place in Summer of 2008 for where I live) was a weird sight to behold. People gave up comments, gave up bulletins, gave up layouts and music, all of a sudden, for a white and blue boring dry erase board on the interwebz.

But what about Twitter? To be honest, I never "got" Twitter. It's sort of just like Status Updates and that's it. You get that on Facebook. And Myspace. And even like fucking MyYearbook.com and other failed abominations. Twitter isn't special, not even slightly.

So who knows whats in the future? Maybe we all leave Facebook and go join VampireFreaks.com.


Me being a hypocrite; check out my faceybook!

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