Monday, July 12, 2010

Musical Stylings (And Why Elitists Just Don't Get It)

Music is truly an art meant to be in the eye of the beholder, and what is a gem to one man is filth to another. For example: the adult generation of the start of Rock And Roll hated it, and completely denounced its status as music. Now their kids (the rock and roll fans, the rebels, the very same people who said "fuck you" to the establishment) are adults who denounce more extreme forms of music. So why the hypocrisy?

Music is always changing, always becoming new, and generation who is out of the loop simply won't get it, that's always been a fact. My generation can't understand why their parents hate hip hop, but in a few decades, we'll hate our kids music just as equally. (Most likely for good reason, the future is bound to have PowerTechnoAcidHouse as a staple genre, I can just feel it.)

But the real crime against music is elitists. People who HATE YOU for YOUR GARBAGE MUSIC. We've all met these folks, who think every band you like is a mockery of real music. Real music that was performed once and only heard by a group of seven people before the band killed themselves so they didn't go "mainstream." Although there are certain "bands" everyone should agree are terrible (Brokencyde, Insane Clown Posse) music truly is an art of taste. There's no "good" or "bad" in music, right?

So what do you think Blogosphere? Can music be good or bad? Or is it all a matter of preference? Comments are welcomed, if not encouraged. See ya folks tomorrow with a more pressing subject matter.

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